Thursday, January 24, 2008


The Prodigy of Business

Commerce can be defined as sum-total of all process necessary for the removal of hindrances in making trade possible. That was commerce, but what is business and how it came into existence, though it has been a talk for centuries. From scriptures, epics, and cultures we have heard and understood different facets of this philosophy called business.

In medieval times, as ends met the wants, this philosophy did not exist. People survived by sheer strength and consciousness. There was no need for support, dependence or trade. Once population increased in geometric proportions the means were not meeting the ends. This led to the formulation of groups and leaders. They set up certain policies to follow and practiced these norms to exchange and trade articles.

This movement led to the origin of barter system. As people lacked the consensus on articles to exchange, this concept showed up its demerits. Innovation of a single point of trade, which was named as money was the result of these discrepancies. This started the era of business.

As a matter of fact this noble concept was formed and formulated for the well being of the society. The primary purpose was for making the basic necessities available for all the strata of the society. Here business was free from all the stipulations of socio economic principles. It was born for a noble cause and served the purpose of serving the human race.

Once this medium (money) started gaining power, it started flexing its muscles, and manifested itself as self-serving capitalist economic model. As money overtook the crown, the purpose of business shifted from social well-being to self-being. Time taking its turn, though the human race has developed their standard of living, with more luxurious facilities and advancements, the human race became more and more fragmented and turned nations against nations where in money is an implicit factor.

From a different perspective, of the sense organs that rule this body, greed was the most beneficial at this circumstance. Man became a slave to the power that money could purchase and blindly started accumulating it. In this kaliyuga, it has been said that kali is where wealth is and that has been evident. In a survey conducted on the happiest nations, the most economically weaker nation topped the list for happiness (, as they could enjoy and appreciate what ever they bought, where as others could seek satisfaction and happiness only on unprecedented costly items.

As the phrase says, history repeats itself, in the wake of twentieth century, globalization and liberalization has forced the trade related organizations to rethink their philosophy, goal and purpose of their business. Once again the nations are uniting in trade, hope this will lead to a new age of harmony and peace.

Monopolistic multinational corporations are slowly giving way to Small community based self-sustaining profit centers. Which have been initiated and is a sign of the upcoming division of power and well being. Most of the companies who used to privately owned have come up with stock option plans, making the employees share the profit of the organization. Business process outsourcing has given way to the uplift and better utilization of opportunities from the economically backward nations, bringing an all round uplift in the global economy.

Let this be the thought and deed of the upcoming youth, to utilize the trade for the benefit of the society. This does not mean in anyway that they should not make profit, but this simply means that, they should follow the ethics and standards, by way supplying the best product and best service as it is done by one human to another. We should practice social well-being along with self-being.

I believe this article would liberate the minds of at least some and lead the business cycle to enrich and rejuvenate the exponential factor of well-being and human uplift.

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